My Portrait

My Portrait

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Scanian War

            The wars in the start of my rule as a monarch could have had devastating effects on Sweden if they were lost. Luckily, I was able to pull the army together and pull the win from the Danish. This war, the Scanian War, was most likely caused by the rash decisions of my guardians while I was yet too young to rule as king. They decided to form an alliance with France in 1671, a few years before my coronation, to try to ensure their support in the military. This had a hidden consequence, though. The French went to war against the Dutch, and we, Sweden being their allies, were forced to go to war against the Dutch ally, Germany. Then, the Danish king Christian the Fifth also attacked in 1675.
            We fought over who would be the owner of the Scanian lands, hence the name, the Scanian War. In the first half, the Danish actually won. This is outrageous! They only won because our army was very unprepared and outnumbered by their army. I had to think of a way to train the new army, and fast, without any of my advisors helping me. The next battle we fought against the Danish army resulted in our victory. This shows that we were capable of defeating them. We also won the next two battles and Christian V was forced to retreat. These wars helped me learn a lot about how to rule and command effectively and showed that we were able to defend ourselves. I believe they were the most important events in my life.


  1. Poor, poor Charles XI. Having to deal with a war of this magnitude. And your enemies were the French also! Well, they are, of course, no match compared to us Britons. But, I must confess, they do put up quite a fight. Well, I sure am glad that I wasn't drawn into a war with this size. I do wish you the best of luck against the French though!

  2. A wise decision to ally with the French. Their absolute monarchy has set them up for power and greatness. I would suggest you do the same once the Scanian Wars are over to set your own country up for a time of prosperity. I am quite certain that the idiot above will end up failing his savage and careless rebellion composed of a weak foudation. Hopefully, you will not be influenced by his weak cause.
